Its a Mossy Topic

I am so enjoying my time in the gallery with the Surface Tension exhibition. It has been a joyous affirmation of so much that I believe in. The lovely conversations that I have had with visitors to the gallery have been so interesting. I shall never forget the lovely gentleman who dropped in on Friday, stayed chatting for about 40 minutes about the work and the ideas behind it and then, just as he was leaving, he suddenly said

Oh yes, I meant to ask you, how do we solve global warming?

An hour later we had not solved that particular issue but we had thrashed some ideas around and come up with a great idea of carbon rationing for all. Why is that not a thing?

Someone has leant me Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book Gathering Moss to read during the exhibition. It is a beautiful read; poetic; poignant and thought provoking at every turn of the page. It has brought home to me just how utterly dependent we all are on the little things – the things that we take for granted and which were the jumping off point for the topic explored in this exhibition – the mosses of Blacknest Fields, Binsted, Hampshire which are being rewilded by volunteers and from where all the mossy images used in this exhibition came from.

Its the little things which support everything else.


  1. Angela Young says:

    Communication and conversation is such a tonic after spending long hours alone making work, isn’t it? specially if at least part of the conversation is about the work you’ve made.

    And I – because I tend to do this kind of thing – googled carbon rationing for all and found there have been several attempts to make it policy and all have failed: but if you do the same you’ll discover universities and think-tanks planning for / thinking about it and newspapers from the Daily Mail (yes, really) to the Guardian reporting on it. Ed Miliband really wanted it to be a thing … perhaps one day it will be … .

    1. I am all in favour of carbon rationing but it needs to apply to all – fairly. lets not have any privileges for ‘important people’!

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