New Work Emerging.

I feel a little bit like a butterfly – or possibly a dormouse – emerging in spring as the weather slowly warms up! I have been making very little since the end of the MA and have found it hard to share what has been going on but, in the quiet of my studio, ideas have been forming and, gradually, things have been starting to developing. At last I am beginning to feel a frisson of excitement about how the work is coming together.

The current project is in collaboration with a wonderful group of people who are working to rewild a small area of land called Blacknest Fields in Hampshire with incredible success. My part in the project is to create work for an exhibition of photographs and ceramics to draw attention to their efforts and to encourage more people to get involved. It is a fantastically optimistic and uplifting project and one that is very dear to my own heart. I will be publishing more about it as the work develops but, for now, here are a few hints to whet your appetites:


  1. Cappy Bond says:

    I am inspired by this delicate new work, Bridget. First of thanks for the honesty about the dry spell if I may call it that for lack of exact wording. After my big Christmas sale I felt out of gas for a couple months and am just starting to get caught up in the current of creativity again. I also appreciate that the collaboration may have been part of your spark and that is beautiful reminder that the passion of others can be contagious. Last I love how you have found a way to make your pottery into an act of support of restoring a piece of land to it wild ancestry.

    1. Oh, what a lovely comment. Thank you so much. Dry spells happen – we just have to accept that they will end when they are ready!

      1. Cappy Bond says:

        Yes, and that’s one reason why it’s so important to have other artist friends, because you see them go through the same processes. Thanks for your reply.

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